Labor Tracking Technologies to Boost Factory Capacity & Reduce Costs

Improving OLE (Overall Labor Effectiveness) in the Post COVID-19 WorldFactories around the world are experiencing one of two emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are either experiencing demand surge (e.g., personal protection equipment – PPE, hand sanitizers, essential pharmaceuticals) or demand loss (e.g., automotive, oil & gas products, non-essential consumer...

Digital Transformation, the learning tool

If you think animals instinctively know everything to survive from birth, you are wrong. Many essential tools in the survival kit are acquired by adaptation, more precisely put, by learning, and learning is what we call structured, planned adaptation. In order to survive and thrive in today’s business setting, you...

US FDA’s Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) Enforcement Delay

In response to the recent FDA announcement to delay enforcement of the Serialization Compliance Deadline for one year from November 27, 2017, to November 27, 2018, Supply Chain Wizard offers the following guidance:Decision clarification: The compliance deadline has technically not been extended. According to the FDA’s Draft Guidance on Product Identifier...

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